Grand Rounds Recap 1.24.24

Grand Rounds Recap 1.24.24

This week at Grand Rounds we started off with a lively discussion of some unique case presentations during M&M presented by Dr. Yates. Drs. Wosiski-Kuhn and Stothers then walked us through the most pressing research papers in our Mini-Lit Blitz, followed by Dr. Benoit talking us through ideal Post-ROSC Care. Finally, our QI/KT on necrotizing soft tissue infections was expertly presented by Drs. Schor and de Castro.

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Grand Rounds Recap 1.17.24

Grand Rounds Recap 1.17.24

Join us as we recap another fantastic Grand Rounds session. We started off with our longitudinal leadership curriculum, specifically focusing on recruitment and building a team. This was led by two prominent leaders in our very own emergency department- Drs. Fermann and LaFollette. Next, we join Dr. Finney on a journey as she reflects on the relationships we build with our patients and their families, as well as providing insight on how to cope with the grief that we may face following the most difficult cases. Lastly, Drs. Chhabria, Davis, and Gobble, help us prepare for the upcoming ITE exam by providing us with useful quick hits relating to orthopedic injuries, PEM, and toxicology.

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Grand Rounds Recap 1.10.24

Grand Rounds Recap 1.10.24

We started off the day strong with a R4 Case Follow Up lecture presented by Dr. Yates who led an excellent discussion on psychosis, including maintaining a broad differential for secondary psychosis and appropriate management. We then transitioned to an R1 Clinical Knowledge lecture where Dr. Segev guided us through interstitial lung disease and fibrosis ranging from epidemiology to diagnosis and treatment. This then followed by a hand-on high acuity low opportunity procedure review including esophageal balloon tamponade, transvenous pacemaker placement, and chest wall escharotomy. The hands-on sessions continued into the afternoon where our CCHMC colleagues led a simulation on neonatal shock. Overall, a great day at UCEM Grand Rounds!

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Grand Rounds Recap 1.3.24

Grand Rounds Recap 1.3.24

We are back and ready for our first grand rounds of the year! We had a great variety in lectures today. Dr. Wosiski-Kuhn shared her capstone on violence against healthcare workers. Dr. Martella followed up a case of a patient with a spontaneous coronary artery dissection and their puzzling ED clinical presentation. Dr. Guillaume helped us troobleshoot and optimize our options for vascular access including EJ cannulation, ultrasound-guided IVs and all things PICC line. Dr. Haffner took us through a pathophysiology and treatment review of a patient with a very large calcium channel blocker overdose. The R2 team of Drs. Della Porta and Hajdu presented their protocol on alcohol withdrawal in the ED. We learned about the use of panorex as a new study for certain dental patients in conjunction with oral surgery from Dr. Urbanowicz. Finally, Dr. Baez dropped some protips to be confident and competent at a busy community ED site.

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Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Vascular Access in the Emergency Department

Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Vascular Access in the Emergency Department

Establishing reliable vascular access is absolutely critical for ED patients requiring resuscitation, airway management, or medication administration. However, in at least 10% of patients, blind insertion of a peripheral IV may be unsuccessful for a variety of reasons. In this post, we will review multiple alternative access options, as well as briefly discuss concerns related to PICC lines.

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Grand Rounds Recap 12.20.23

Grand Rounds Recap 12.20.23

This week we started off with a riveting M&M presented by Dr. Kletsel, where we discussed massive GI bleeds, renal abscesses, and more. This was followed by a face off for the ages between Drs. Beyde and Bonomo on an uncommon presentation of thyrotoxicosis. Finally, a group of R4s led us through an educational simulation of BRASH syndrome and some informational oral boards style cases.

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Troublesome G-Tubes

Troublesome G-Tubes

Replacing gastrostomy tubes that have fallen out or are no longer functioning is a common procedure in the Emergency Department. Often, these replacements are smooth and easy. There are times however when the replacement process can get complicated with the need to dilate quickly stenosing tracts and/or the need to consult a sub specialist to assist with replacement. This post covers the key historical factors to gather on these patients and the basics steps in replacing the tubes.

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Troubleshooting Foley Caths and Suprapubic Caths

Troubleshooting Foley Caths and Suprapubic Caths

Placement of a foley catheter is usually a simple process. However when it doesn’t go smoothly, when the foley just won’t seem to pass, there are specific approaches that are needed to successfully catheterize the patient. Suprapubic catheters will also frequently need replacement and troubleshooting in the ED.

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Grand Rounds Recap 12.6.23

Grand Rounds Recap 12.6.23

What a great Wednesday at UCEM Grand Rounds! To start off the morning, we had the absolute honor to host NFL Players Association Medical Director Dr. Thom Mayer who guided us through a lesson on leadership via examples in the NFL. We then transitioned to our quarterly EMS grand rounds where we discussed updated Southwest Ohio EMS protocols with EMS fellow Dr. Weekley. Following this, we brought out our competitive sides by participating in a game of sports medicine jeopardy led by Dr. Betz, one of our sports medicine trained faculty members. Dr. Fabiano then gave an insightful capstone lecture on reflecting on what you want to do with your life, particularly outside of our careers. We then transitioned back to the clinical space for Dr. Snyder’s informative lecture on prosthetic valve emergencies. Finally, we wrapped up the day with a quality improvement and knowledge translation lecture about spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.

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Grand Rounds Recap 11.29.23

Grand Rounds Recap 11.29.23

This week’s grand rounds was packed with education! We started off the day with our morbidity and mortality conference which was led by chief resident, Dr. Stark. She discussed multiple high yield cases including immunosuppressed patients with fever, subarachnoid hemorrhage, complex trauma resuscitations, stridor in the adult, posterior circulation stroke, and finally an interesting case of Lemierre syndrome. Following M&M, Dr. Wolski took on Dr. Broadstock in an epic clinical pathologic case where the ultimate diagnosis in a child with abdominal pain was a bezoar. This was then followed by Dr. Newton’s R1 Diagnostic and Therapeutics lecture on Troubleshooting tubes in the ED including G-tubes, foley catheters, and suprapubic catheters. Finally, we wrapped up the day with R3 small group sessions. Dr. Harward led a session on ***. Meanwhile, Dr. Moulds discussed pharmacotherapy. Last but certainly not least, Dr. Sobocinski reviewed ***. All around, an excellent day at UCEM Grand Rounds!

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