Grand Rounds Recap 7.19.23
/Join us for another week of GR! We started off strong with social emergency medicine updates from our active department and the many ways they can help us better help our patients. We moved into alcohol use disorder treatment with Dr. Ryan detailing medical management for abstinence that can be started in the ED. We moved into a trip down memory lane with Dr. Baez and 10 cases that haunt her with the lessons she has learned along the way. Dr. Baxter gave us his thoughts on evaluating patients using clinical gestalt vs clinical decision rules. We moved into neuroimaging with our expert critical care/emergency medicine attending Dr. Knight and some cases with interesting CT/MRI findings. Finally, we wrapped up with oral boards detailing 2 sick patients: one with aspiration pneumonia developing ARDS and one with neuroleptic malignant syndrome. See you all next week!
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