Grand Rounds Recap 10.26.22

Grand Rounds Recap 10.26.22

This week’s grand rounds features an overview of crush injuries with Dr. Della Porta, a fantastic look into the evidence behind preeclampsia and eclampsia management with Drs. Brower and Jackson, a discussion of evidence behind emergency medicine pharmacology dogma with Dr. Nagle, and a discussion of the cost of healthcare with Dr. Thompson.

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.19.22

Grand Rounds Recap 10.19.22

This week’s grand rounds features a discussion on the treatment and complications of inflammatory bowel disease with Dr. Hajdu, a CPC showdown and discussion of appendicitis with Drs. Gobble and Urbanowicz, an overview of hand injuries in the community with Dr. Betz, and an intense Taming the SRU case of a traumatic aortic injury with Dr. Kein.

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.12.22

Grand Rounds Recap 10.12.22

Starting off the week with Drs. Jarrell and Yates defining what advocacy looks like in leadership. Drs Finney and Chuko led us in two case follow up discussions featuring how to deal with early misses and Hickam’s Dictum. Finally the Cincinnati Peds team leads up in simuations of Status Asthmaticus.

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Grand Rounds Recap 9.28.22

Grand Rounds Recap 9.28.22

This week we had a tour de force of education goodness. We started off with Dr. Mullen presenting Morbidity and Mortality Conference. This was followed with an updated DKA QI/KT protocol developed by Dr. Shaw and Dr. Glenn. More great faculty Core Content was brought by Dr. Irankunda elucidating high pressure injection injuries. We wrapped up the day with some research nuggets with Dr. Freiermuth.

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Grand Rounds Recap 9.21.2022

Grand Rounds Recap 9.21.2022

This week we covered everything from swollen bladders to swollen intestines. Take a look at Dr. Wolski’s talk on Acute Urinary Retention. Dr. Wright and Gawron had a CPC Showdown over a case with Myxedema Coma. We wrapped the day up with Dr. Schor giving us the yips talking about Bot Flys, Malaria, Intestinal worms and Parasites!

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Grand Rounds Recap 9.7.22

Grand Rounds Recap 9.7.22

We are back with another fantastic week of GR content. We started with a guest lecture on LVADs by Dr. Vierecke from the Department of Cardiology, then QI/KT on Blunt Cardiac Injury with Drs. Haffner and Sobocinski. Next, Dr. Benoit takes us through his list of cardiac arrest pearls. Lastly, we finish with an overview of orthopedics cases in the community with Drs. Milligan, Gawron, and Betz.

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Packers, Stuffers, and Pushers

Packers, Stuffers, and Pushers

Body packers, stuffers, and pushers may present to the emergency department (ED) for evaluation of symptoms or for medical clearance before prosecution. It is important for the ED physician to have a keen framework for diagnosing, evaluating, and treating these patients.

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Ultrasound of the Month: Flexor Tenosynovitis

Ultrasound of the Month: Flexor Tenosynovitis

Infected and swollen fingers can be a therapeutic challenge, will it get better with some oral antibiotics? Will it rapidly ascend up the arm to cause permanent damage? Dr. Goff introduce yet another excellent use of ultrasound to diagnose flexor tenosynovitis in this month’s Ultrasound of the Month.

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.31.22

Grand Rounds Recap 8.31.22

This week’s Grand Rounds started with 2 hours of M&M tips with Dr. Broadstock, Small groups followed with Thoracentesis with Dr. Milligan, Lung Ultrasound with Dr. yates and Trach Management with Dr. Gillespie. Functional Movement Disorders with Dr. Eltatawy rounded out a great Grand Rounds!

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.24.22

Grand Rounds Recap 8.24.22

This week’s 8.24.22 Grand Rounds started off with a CPC of Drs Pulvino and Negron battling over a case of neurocysticercosis. Next Dr. Goff gave a ‘tales from 4 years’ capstone lecture, followed by blunt aortic injuries by Dr. Rodriguez and Patient Safety with Dr. Hemphill.

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