Mastering Minor Care: Auricular Hematoma

Mastering Minor Care: Auricular Hematoma

You are finally done with your initial trauma assessment when you see a purple, swollen ear. You know this auricular hematoma needs to be evacuated but where to start? What’s the latest on bolstering? Join Dr. Ijaz as he goes through the basics and the latest on auricular hematoma management.

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Grand Rounds Recap 9.2.2020

Grand Rounds Recap 9.2.2020

This week were treated to the story of stroke evaluation and treatment. An interesting case series was presented showing the importance of aortic stenosis. Dr. Gillespie dove into the literature on the treatment modalities for non-specific low back pain. Dr. Ijaz could not stump Dr. Roche with a case of chronic salicylate toxicity. The importance of what words we use, how we use them, and why we use them was presented by Dr. Hughes. Lastly our R3’s showed us all things ENT in small groups.

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Back to Basics: Treatment of Acute Low Back Pain in the ED

Back to Basics: Treatment of Acute Low Back Pain in the ED

How do you treat acute low back pain that comes into the ED. Do you have a ‘cocktail’? Do you have any injections / stretching that you recommend? Is there data behind any of that?? Join Dr. Gillespie on an evidence-based look at the therapeutics of low back pain in the ED.

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.26.2020

Grand Rounds Recap 8.26.2020

This week we have domgalysis with Dr. Hall, discussing rectal exams in trauma, skeletal traction and repeat head imaging in TBI. We also have a fantastic set of learning pearls from M&M cases with Dr. Li and a case of myesthenic crisis with Dr. Urbanowicz. Finally we have a literature review surrounding the impending Qi/KT algorithm on peritonitis with Drs. Ramsey and Mullen

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Air Care Series: Status Epilepticus Update

Air Care Series: Status Epilepticus Update

The diagnoses and treatment of status epilepticus continutes to evolve. Review the latest evidence for status epliepticus management in the critical care transport medicine environment, including an evolving role for Ketamine!

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Grand Rounds Recap 08.12.20

Grand Rounds Recap 08.12.20

This week’s Grand Rounds started off with Dr. Minges walking us through how to perform ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. Drs. Curry and Ryan then presented the first Year Directives of the academic year discussing EMTALA criteria and how to negotiate a contract. Drs. Wosiski and Iparraguirre expertly discussed the literature behind angioedema management. Drs. Crawford and Doerning battled it out on a case involving hiccups (read to find out more about this fascinating case). And lastly, Dr. Stratton from our PEM division walked us through how to approach the pediatric patient and pearls on how to determine “sick” from “not sick".”

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Swelling out of the Blue - Angioedema in the ED

Swelling out of the Blue - Angioedema in the ED

Angioedema is like urticaria in that both are transient swelling of well-demarcated areas. However, angioedema involves swelling of deeper tissues, producing nonpitting edema of the dermis and subcutaneous layers. It is most often seen in the eyelids and lips, and sometimes in the mouth and throat. While it is not pruritic it may be painful. In the US, angioedema accounts for approximately 100,000 ER visits annually (1). Across the world, 35% of prescriptions written for hypertension are for ACE-inhibitors (>40 million people). With a reported incidence of angioedema in 0.1–0.7% of those patients on ACEI, there are approximately 40,000 cases of ACEI-associated angioedema worldwide annually (2).

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Grand Rounds Recap 08.05.20

Grand Rounds Recap 08.05.20

This week’s Grand Rounds started off with Dr. Paulsen walking us through how to create an enriching learning environment for our students and junior residents in the Emergency Department. Dr. Gleimer then presented an inspirational R4 Case Follow Up of a v.fib cardiac arrest that lived to tell the tale on his experience and second lease on life. Lastly, Drs. Gottula and Skrobut skillfully demonstrated best practice patterns for managing STEMI patients in helicopter EMS transport.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.29.20

Grand Rounds Recap 7.29.20

This week’s Grand Rounds was kicked off with Dr. Mand presenting our first Morbidity and Mortality Conference of the academic year. Dr. Carleton then masterfully provided tips on how to improve airway management. Drs. Yates and Modi led us through our first Clinical Treatment lecture series outlining the evidence-based medicine approach to managing elevated intraocular pressure. Drs. Meigh and Jarrell discussed a fascinating case of neurosyphilis for CPC, and finally, Dr. Jensen walked us through his tips and tricks for approaching individual finances.

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Grand Rounds Recap 07.22.20

Grand Rounds Recap 07.22.20

This week’s Grand Rounds was full of teamwork, sports medicine, fast-paced lecturing, and just a little rivalry. Whether you’re a fan of the R2 CPC format or the R4 Case Follow-Up, this week’s summary is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Also including Dr. Benoit’s lit of practice changing EM articles of the last year - with links!

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